Three-day RESCOM event at Patara Special Environmental Protected Area (SEPA), Türkiye

Within the frame of RESCOM project, the IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation and T.R. Ministry of Environment Urbanisation and Climate Change, General Directorate of Protection for Natural Assets organized a three-day event (18-20 December) at Patara Special Environmental Protected Area (SEPA) in Türkiye.

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With the support of IUCN Med’s consultant Yolda Initiative events started with a field visit to the site discovering the multi-biome ecosystems as well as the cultural and archaeological heritage.

The aim of the following days was to officially initiate the national kick-off and the knowledge gathering towards drafting the management and action plan of the Patara SEPA. Discussions among stakeholders were raised about the threats, needs and priorities in the region and also potential solutions were conversed. A collective vision with the stakeholders was created for the future of Patara SEPA.

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During the event, IUCN Med’s RESCOM project twinning implementing partner AIFM (Association Internationale des Forêts Méditerranéennes) representative was also present to support with the discussions and future endeavours.